System Architecture & Design

Build it right from the start

Just as you wouldn't build a house without a blueprint, you would not wish to commence a development effort without planning. A good plan considers the project from many different perspectives and brings confidence to the effort, while also providing a central point of communication and project culture. Diligence is key: we don't jump into code but ask a lot of questions that will clarify our effort and ensure maximum efficiency of execution.

With the proliferation of cheap developer force, fluid business requirements, and agile methodologies, planning has taken a back seat and software design has fallen out of favor. However, in projects of any significant complexity, it is absolutely essential. When combined with the right architectural approach and sound management, a very complex system can be realized very quickly through carefully prepared parallel development efforts.

 Software Development

Execute your plans and ideas

Once the deadlines are set, the plans are laid, and the funds secured, it is time to do the actual work. In all honesty, pretty much anyone these days are capable of producing code. But don't be fooled, there are very few excellent developers. The productivity gap between developer quality can vary by several orders of magnitude.

We take great care in selecting developers who produce clean and easy to maintain code. Even if you never see the code of your product, it will take on its own life and affect the structure from within. Don't leave the work to just anyone. Let us show you how to ask the right questions when hiring, and to hedge the risk of low-cost outsourced development.

 System Integration

Connect your services and legacy systems

Each tech solution is moving closer and closer to specialization and is becoming increasingly focused on single use-case performance. Let's take advantage of this by using the best systems for their best aspects. With correct integration, our data flows in and out of disparate systems seamlessly, providing massive business value while preserving architectural integrity.

Don't eliminate, integrate! Have a legacy system that is at the core of your business process, and can't get rid of it? Let's keep it for now, wrap it in a modern abstraction, integrate it seemlessly into other parts of your infrastructure, and replace it gradually from underneath. Have a mess of code on your hands? Let's clean it up by outsourcing the business logic to expert systems, without collapsing the whole structure.

 Process Automation

Automate your critical business tasks

Never let a human do a machine's job. If a business action is performed more than 2x, it is a good candidate for automation, at least in our opinion. Everything lends itself to automation of some sort, but in regard to critical business processes, automation is absolutely essential. Humans are prone to error, are highly inconsistent, and dislike repetitive work.

Let's make your staff happy and relieve them of machine duty. From now on, key aspects of your business flow will be available at the push of a button, or scheduled regularly. You just sit back, relax, and watch your business run itself. Have some tedious task that you're convinced can't be automated? Let us convince you otherwise.

 Business Intelligence

Inform your business operations with data

As a business executive, you need all the facts about your business operations at your fingertips at any point in the business lifecycle. Often, these valuable metrics are locked up in a datastore, or outside of your business domain entirely. Consolidating company-wide data knowledge is crucial to making informated business decisions.

Using innovative big-data technologies, we are able to acquire meaning from pools of disparate data within your organization. Whether it's assessing product performance, gathering intel on the competition, or assembling content for an IP, we're ready to deliver the KPIs that give your bussiness edge.

 Project Management

Manage & outsource your development

Complex systems and large development teams require coordination. Moreover, today's teams are geographically distributed and have marked cultural differences. These communication factors increase risk. We manage the risk by pragmatism: looking at the code, and building automated QA testing tools that ensure correct delivery of business requirements.

It is vitally important that the manager is local to the project culture, and is able to take a nose-dive view of the product. We have to be hands-on and ensure that our teams are producing quality code. Again, the keyword is pragmatism. By testing and code reviews, we are able to successfully manage a sustained development effort.